Fountain Hills unanimously approves update to 15-year-old downtown strategy
Sep 20, 2024, 8:00 PM

Fountain Hills approved an update to its 15-year-old downtown strategy on Sept. 4, 2024. (Fountain Hills Photo)
(Fountain Hills Photo)
PHOENIX – Fountain Hills approved an update to the town’s strategy to modernize its downtown area.
On Sept. 4, the town council unanimously approved of the updated downtown strategy, which had not changed since 2009.
The town will spotlight four areas of focus in its strategy: land use, infrastructure, economic vitality and public spaces/placemakaing.
“It is exciting to be building on and expanding our downtown into a walkable, bustling, mixed-use district that spans several blocks, helped by creative zoning, sidewalks, banners, lighting and new signage,” Fountain Hills Mayor Ginny Dickey said in a press release.
Refurbishment will occur north of El Lago Boulevard, east of La Montana Drive and west of Fountain Park.
To represent the different portions of the downtown area, the section is planned to be divided into five zones: Business District, The Avenue District, South End District, Civic District and Saguaro Frontage.
Over the next several months Fountain Hills’ staff plans to draft policy changes that address zoning districts for the five downtown sections. Development will begin on shaded public spaces and sidewalks.
What started the change in Fountain Hills’ downtown strategy?
In September 2023, the town council approved of a three-year Community Economic Development Strategy (CED) in 2023. One point in the CED was to update the 14-year-old downtown strategy to adapt to current economic trends.
In November 2023, the town approved of implementing the downtown strategy. To receive feedback from residents and businesses the town’s staff held six focus groups, four electronic surveys and hosted an open house with residents and businesses.
Fountain Hills reports that 67% of respondents wanted more live music in downtown and that 52.73% of residents wanted better connectivity of downtown areas, and shade.