Dave says: Getting out of a big mess doesn’t always feel good, but it’s necessary
Feb 13, 2024, 1:00 PM

In this week's article, Dave Ramsey talks about when to buckle down and climb out of that financial mess. (Pexels Photo)
(Pexels Photo)
Dear Dave,
I’m a single mom, and I opened my own small business last year. The business isn’t growing at all, and my mom and dad are helping me with the bills. On top of all this, I don’t receive any child support payments from my ex-husband. But my biggest concern is our home. I bought it four years ago, and when I opened my business, I did it with a home equity loan. Do you have any advice?
Dear Tammy,
You need to close up your business, at least temporarily, and go find some money-making work. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you’ve got a really big mess on your hands.
Long story short, the money you make at another full-time job is likely to decide whether you can stay in your home. If you’ve got a mortgage, home equity loan and business debts hanging over your head, the chances of this are slim. You probably need to consider the idea moving into a small, affordable apartment for a while, too. If you do this, get your debts paid off and your finances back in order—which includes living on a budget and saving—you might be able to buy a house again in a few years.
I know the idea of giving up your home and business is hurtful, but sometimes when you have a serious illness, extensive surgery is needed to fix the problem. And right now, you’ve got a very serious financial illness.
I want you to understand how I’m looking at this, Tammy. The house alone is not the problem. You borrowed money to open a business, and that was your first mistake. You also have no savings, which is another mistake, and now your business isn’t making a profit. See how all of it combined adds up into one big mess?
I love your spirit, and the fact that you want to be an entrepreneur. But you’ve got to get control of your money first. If you don’t, this thing will eat you alive.