Banner Health expanding drive-thru testing with state fairgrounds location
Apr 27, 2020, 12:30 PM
PHOENIX — Banner Health announced Monday it will increase its coronavirus testing capacity with a new site at the Arizona State Fairgrounds.
Between Arizona and Colorado, the organization is expanding its testing capacity from 4,000 to 13,500 tests weekly with three total additional testing sites, according to a press release.
The drive-thru testing site at the fairgrounds can also accommodate those without a vehicle.
Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms such as a fever or cough will qualify for testing.
For Arizona, anybody with concerns about possible exposure can also set up an appointment.
Patients looking to be tested must be phone screened and have an appointment prior to showing up.
Those who arrive without an appointment will be asked to leave and complete the phone screening process.
Banner’s drive-thru collection sites are only set up to test for coronavirus and do not currently offer antibody testing.
Individuals who have an appointment to get tested at the fairground site will use the entrance at 17th Avenue and McDowell Road.
Banner Health currently offers testing at five other locations in Arizona.