Protester at Trump rally arrested after threatening Phoenix police
Aug 23, 2017, 5:03 PM | Updated: Aug 24, 2017, 6:32 am

(KTAR Photo/Carter Nacke)
(KTAR Photo/Carter Nacke)
PHOENIX — Police said two people arrested during a nighttime protest after President Donald Trump’s rally in Phoenix had struck officers and one had a gun tucked inside the waistband of his pants that he put a hand on.
Daireus L. Stokes, 28, was charged with aggravated assault, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and threatening three officers Tuesday night near the Phoenix Convention Center after Trump’s rally ended.
Four others were arrested after protesters and police clashed. Witnesses said protesters threw water bottles at police, who eventually fired tear gas, pepper spray and smoke bombs to break up the crowds.
Law enforcement documents said Stokes was told his car was blocking traffic and to move it. Instead, police said, he got out of his car and bumped his shoulder against an officer and threatened to hurt him.
After he was ordered to leave the area, another officer saw the handgun and said not to touch the .40 caliber Smith Wesson.
The document read:
…did not comply and put hand on gun grip wile verbally threatening to kick one officer’s (expletive).
Stokes was disarmed, according to the report, but that he continually tried to reclaim the weapon.
A 25-year-old woman was charged with assault. Police said Pamela Robertson punched an officer around 9:45 p.m. near Third and Washington streets.