Arizona woman killed by vehicle driven by teenager
Aug 10, 2024, 8:00 PM

(Pexels File Photo)
(Pexels File Photo)
PHOENIX — An Arizona woman was hit by a vehicle and died from her injuries early Saturday morning.
The driver of the vehicle was a 16-year-old girl whom police believe may have been driving while impaired, according to a press release.
The accident occurred in Ash Fork, which is in Yavapai County, approximately 140 miles north of downtown Phoenix.
The vehicle struck the woman, 47-year-old Erica Miller, around 3 a.m. on Park Avenue, between 3rd and 4th streets in Ash Fork.
As police deputies were attending to the victim, authorities received a call from a woman who told them her 16-year-old daughter had just been in a collision.
Police later confirmed that the teenager was involved in the collision that killed the woman.
The young driver was arrested and faces multiple charges including negligent homicide, manslaughter, leaving the scene of an injury accident and underage DUI.
Additional DUI charges are pending blood-test results.
Police did not immediately release the name of the driver.