Arizona teens opt to take permit test online over going to MVD offices
Dec 8, 2019, 5:00 AM
PHOENIX – Arizona teens are deciding to take their permit test online at home instead of going to the Motor Vehicle Department offices.
The Arizona Department of Transportation said in a press release that data for November shows slightly more than 50% of all permit tests were taken at home, over a 7% increase from a year ago.
Launched in March 2018, the Permit Test @ Home program allows teens in the process of getting a learner’s permit to take the written test at home with appropriate supervision.
“It was just a matter of time for the Permit Test @ Home to become the method of choice for the majority of teens to take the learner’s permit test,” MVD stakeholder relations manager Jennifer Bowser Richards said in the release.
The test cannot be administered through the teenager’s account, as a parent of legal guardian must set up a free account with AZ MVD Now and agree to proctor the test.
The teen and legal guardian must then visit an MVD office after passing the test to confirm the results and get the permit.
“Because parents proctor the test, it’s a great chance for adults and teens to review the rules of the road together,” Richards said.
She added that the program also allows customers to be served quicker at the MVD offices.
It was stated in the release that a potential 13,500 customers avoided at least one MVD office visit in November, aiding the organization that serves approximately 7,500 office customers a day statewide.
At this time, the program is only offered to teenagers.