Arizona Lottery donates $100K for Grand Canyon project
Feb 14, 2021, 6:30 AM

(Grand Canyon Rendering)
(Grand Canyon Rendering)
PHOENIX — The Arizona Lottery has made a $100,000 donation to help fund a large project from the Grand Canyon Conservancy.
The donation will allow for the second phase of transformation of Desert View into an intertribal cultural heritage site that celebrates the tribal heritage of the Grand Canyon.
The project will improve the arrival experience for tourists by creating an orientation area, shade structure, picnic areas and revised parking lots.
The amphitheater and other areas will also increase their accessibility because of the funding.
Revisions and expansions are also planned for the pedestrian paths and artisans as part of the popular cultural demonstration series.
A total of 11 American Indian tribes call the Grand Canyon home.
Desert View is located at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, which saw more than 1 million visitors in 2019.