Arizona business executive expects Biden to stay course on trade deal
Nov 11, 2020, 11:16 AM

(Pixabay Photo)
(Pixabay Photo)
PHOENIX – The trade agreement that binds the United States, Mexico and Canada and plays a big part in Arizona’s economy will be fine under President-elect Joe Biden, a Phoenix-based business leader said.
“It’s very clear that President-elect Biden is supportive of that trade agreement,” Glen Hamer, president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, said Wednesday on KTAR News 92.3 FM’s Arizona’s Morning News.
“The president-elect has made it very clear he wants to strengthen ties with our allies. Mexico is our friend, ally and neighbor. Canada is our friend, ally and neighbor,” Hamer said.
“The U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement is not in trouble.”
President Donald Trump signed the deal into law in January. It replaced the nearly 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement.
“Biden won’t be threatening tariffs to our allies and friends in Mexico,” Hamer said. “That’s going to be a relief to a lot of business people and for a border state like Arizona with USMCA in place.
“That will be extremely good for our economy.”
Arizona is already struggling through hits to its tourism industry from the coronavirus pandemic.
Tourism pumps $25 billion a year into the state.
Last week, the state’s office of tourism said spending by visitors for the year is down by $10 billion compared to 2019.